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Why promote your landlord events on Property118?

There are hundreds of Landlord Events every month.

It is in all of our interests (ours, yours and other landlord event organisers) to collaborate. None of us have a Monopoly on audiences.

We built this Landlords Events Calendar as platform to facilitate the promotion and success of events – it is free for both event organisers and potential attendees to use.

People who attend landlords events also tend to go to others. But how will people attending other events, who are blissfully unaware of yours, ever know about them if they’re not promoted in the Property118 Landlords Events Ccalendar?

All of the following groups to promote their events to the Property118 audience (free of charge): –

  • Landlord Associations
  • Councils
  • Networking events
  • University Accommodation Officers
  • Estate Agents
  • Letting Agents
  • Estate Agents
  • Mortgage Brokers
  • Financial Advisers
  • Property related trade event organisers

Property118 projects it will host in excess of 7,000,000 unique user sessions in 2017.

These users are your target audience.

Please see below a chart plotting the growth of Property118 user sessions over the last five years.
